Niugnep, EN-JP Dictionary

Results of '特別償却準備金'

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English: Reserve for special depreciation
Japanese: 特別償却準備金
Hiragana: とくべつしょうきゃくじゅんびきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for special depreciation
Japanese: 特別償却準備金の積立
Hiragana: とくべつしょうきゃくじゅんびきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for special depreciation
Japanese: 特別償却準備金の取崩
Hiragana: とくべつしょうきゃくじゅんびきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.
