Niugnep, EN-JP Dictionary

Results of '社債'

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English: Bonds payable
Japanese: 社債
Hiragana: しゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Corporate bonds
Japanese: 社債
Hiragana: しゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Corporate bonds
Japanese: 社債券
Hiragana: しゃさいけん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Loss on bond retirement
Japanese: 社債償還損
Hiragana: しゃさいしょうかんそん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Loss on redemption of bonds
Japanese: 社債償還損
Hiragana: しゃさいしょうかんそん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Payments for retirement by purchase of bonds
Japanese: 社債の買入消却による支出
Hiragana: しゃさいのかいいれしょうきゃくによるししゅつ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Redemption of bonds
Japanese: 社債の償還による支出
Hiragana: しゃさいのしょうかんによるししゅつ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Proceeds from issuance of bonds
Japanese: 社債の発行による収入
Hiragana: しゃさいのはっこうによるしゅうにゅう
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Bond issuance cost
Japanese: 社債発行費
Hiragana: しゃさいはっこうひ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Amortization of bond issuance cost
Japanese: 社債発行費償却
Hiragana: しゃさいはっこうひしょうきゃく
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Interest on bonds
Japanese: 社債利息
Hiragana: しゃさいりそく
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Short-term bonds payable
Japanese: 短期社債
Hiragana: たんきしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Short-term corporate bonds
Japanese: 短期社債
Hiragana: たんきしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Net increase (decrease) in short-term corporate bonds
Japanese: 短期社債(負債)の純増減(△)
Hiragana: たんきしゃさい(ふさい)のじゅんぞうげん(△)
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Net increase (decrease) in short-term bonds payable
Japanese: 短期社債の純増減額(△は減少)
Hiragana: たんきしゃさいのじゅんぞうげんがく(△はげんしょう)
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Redemption of short-term bonds
Japanese: 短期社債の償還による支出
Hiragana: たんきしゃさいのしょうかんによるししゅつ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Proceeds from issuance of short-term bonds
Japanese: 短期社債の発行による収入
Hiragana: たんきしゃさいのはっこうによるしゅうにゅう
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Interest on short-term bonds
Japanese: 短期社債利息
Hiragana: たんきしゃさいりそく
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Road-building bonds payable
Japanese: 道路建設関係社債
Hiragana: どうろけんせつかんけいしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Redemption of road-building bonds
Japanese: 道路建設関係社債償還による支出
Hiragana: どうろけんせつかんけいしゃさいしょうかんによるししゅつ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Proceeds from issuance of road-building bonds
Japanese: 道路建設関係社債発行による収入
Hiragana: どうろけんせつかんけいしゃさいはっこうによるしゅうにゅう
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Road-building bond issuance cost
Japanese: 道路建設関係社債発行費
Hiragana: どうろけんせつかんけいしゃさいはっこうひ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Increase (decrease) in straight bonds - issuance and redemption
Japanese: 普通社債発行及び償還による増減(△)
Hiragana: ふつうしゃさいはっこうおよびしょうかんによるぞうげん(△)
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Bonds of subsidiaries and associates
Japanese: 関係会社社債
Hiragana: かんけいがいしゃしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Specific bonds payable
Japanese: 特定社債
Hiragana: とくていしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Increase (decrease) in specific bonds payable
Japanese: 特定社債の増減額(△は減少)
Hiragana: とくていしゃさいのぞうげんがく(△はげんしょう)
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Proceeds from issuance of specific bonds payable
Japanese: 特定社債の発行による収入
Hiragana: とくていしゃさいのはっこうによるしゅうにゅう
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Specific bond issuance cost
Japanese: 特定社債発行費
Hiragana: とくていしゃさいはっこうひ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Specific short-term bonds payable
Japanese: 特定短期社債
Hiragana: とくていたんきしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Current portion of specific bonds payable
Japanese: 1年以内償還予定特定社債
Hiragana: いちねんいないしょうかんよていとくていしゃさい
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.
