Niugnep, EN-JP Dictionary

Results of '積立金'

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English: Reserve
Japanese: 積立金
Hiragana: つみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserves
Japanese: 積立金
Hiragana: つみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations
Japanese: 原価変動調整積立金
Hiragana: げんかへんどうちょうせいつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations
Japanese: 原価変動調整積立金の積立
Hiragana: げんかへんどうちょうせいつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations
Japanese: 原価変動調整積立金の取崩
Hiragana: げんかへんどうちょうせいつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for research and development
Japanese: 研究開発積立金
Hiragana: けんきゅうかいはつつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for research and development
Japanese: 研究開発積立金の積立
Hiragana: けんきゅうかいはつつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for research and development
Japanese: 研究開発積立金の取崩
Hiragana: けんきゅうかいはつつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for interim dividends
Japanese: 中間配当積立金
Hiragana: ちゅうかんはいとうつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for bond sinking fund
Japanese: 減債積立金
Hiragana: げんさいつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Fund for school excursion
Japanese: 修学旅行積立金
Hiragana: しゅうがくりょこうつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for reduction entry of replaced property
Japanese: 買換資産圧縮積立金
Hiragana: かいかえしさんあっしゅくつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: GPIF: Government Pension Investment Fund
Japanese: 年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人
Hiragana: ねんきんつみたてきんかんりうんようどくりつぎょうせいほうじん
Category: Abbreviations/International Relations

English: Provision of reserve for reduction entry of replaced property
Japanese: 買換資産圧縮積立金の積立
Hiragana: かいかえしさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for reduction entry of real estate
Japanese: 不動産圧縮積立金
Hiragana: ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for reduction entry of replaced property
Japanese: 買換資産圧縮積立金の取崩
Hiragana: かいかえしさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for reduction entry of real estate
Japanese: 不動産圧縮積立金の積立
Hiragana: ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for property replacement
Japanese: 買換資産積立金
Hiragana: かいかえしさんつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for reduction entry of real estate
Japanese: 不動産圧縮積立金の取崩
Hiragana: ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for property replacement
Japanese: 買換資産積立金の積立
Hiragana: かいかえしさんつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for property replacement
Japanese: 買換資産積立金の取崩
Hiragana: かいかえしさんつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for reduction entry
Japanese: 圧縮記帳積立金
Hiragana: あっしゅくきちょうつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for reduction entry
Japanese: 圧縮記帳積立金の積立
Hiragana: あっしゅくきちょうつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for reduction entry
Japanese: 圧縮記帳積立金の取崩
Hiragana: あっしゅくきちょうつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reserve for reduction entry
Japanese: 圧縮積立金
Hiragana: あっしゅくつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Provision of reserve for reduction entry
Japanese: 圧縮積立金の積立
Hiragana: あっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Reversal of reserve for reduction entry
Japanese: 圧縮積立金の取崩
Hiragana: あっしゅくつみたてきんのとりくずし
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Life insurance funds
Japanese: 生命保険積立金
Hiragana: せいめいほけんつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Japanese: 税率変更による積立金の調整額
Hiragana: ぜいりつへんこうによるつみたてきんのちょうせいがく
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
Japanese: 特定都市鉄道整備積立金
Hiragana: とくていとしてつどうせいびつみたてきん
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.
