Results of 'Net'
Show Hiragana
English: | Net |
Japanese: | 差引 |
Hiragana: | さしひき |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in borrowed money |
Japanese: | 借用金の純増減(△) |
Hiragana: | しゃくようきんのじゅんぞうげん(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable |
Japanese: | 短期借入金の純増減額(△は減少) |
Hiragana: | たんきかりいれきんのじゅんぞうげんがく(△はげんしょう) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in short-term corporate bonds |
Japanese: | 短期社債(負債)の純増減(△) |
Hiragana: | たんきしゃさい(ふさい)のじゅんぞうげん(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in short-term bonds payable |
Japanese: | 短期社債の純増減額(△は減少) |
Hiragana: | たんきしゃさいのじゅんぞうげんがく(△はげんしょう) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities |
Japanese: | 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー |
Hiragana: | ざいむかつどうによるきゃっしゅふろー |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in monetary claims bought |
Japanese: | 買入金銭債権の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | かいいれきんせんさいけんのじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net sales of sideline business |
Japanese: | 兼業事業売上高 |
Hiragana: | けんぎょうじぎょううりあげだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
Japanese: | 現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少) |
Hiragana: | げんきんおよびげんきんどうとうぶつのぞうげんがく(△はげんしょう) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in deposit (over 3 months) |
Japanese: | 預け金(預入期間三ヶ月超)の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | あずけきん(あずけいれきかんさんかげつちょう)のじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in deposit (excluding cash equivalent) |
Japanese: | 預け金(現金同等物を除く)の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | あずけきん(げんきんどうとうぶつをのぞく)のじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in deposit (excluding deposit paid to Bank of Japan) |
Japanese: | 預け金(日銀預け金を除く)の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | あずけきん(にちぎんあずけきんをのぞく)のじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in deposit |
Japanese: | 預け金の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | あずけきんのじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net sales of finished goods |
Japanese: | 製品売上高 |
Hiragana: | せいひんうりあげだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in foreign exchanges - assets |
Japanese: | 外国為替(資産)の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | がいこくかわせ(しさん)のじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in foreign exchanges - liabilities |
Japanese: | 外国為替(負債)の純増減(△) |
Hiragana: | がいこくかわせ(ふさい)のじゅんぞうげん(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net sales of real estate business and other |
Japanese: | 不動産事業等売上高 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんじぎょうとううりあげだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net sales of completed construction contracts |
Japanese: | 完成工事高 |
Hiragana: | かんせいこうじだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in trading assets |
Japanese: | 特定取引資産の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | とくていとりひきしさんのじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in trading liabilities |
Japanese: | 特定取引負債の純増減(△) |
Hiragana: | とくていとりひきふさいのじゅんぞうげん(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in trading accounts payable |
Japanese: | 特定取引未払金の純増減(△) |
Hiragana: | とくていとりひきみばらいきんのじゅんぞうげん(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities |
Japanese: | 事業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー |
Hiragana: | じぎょうかつどうによるきゃっしゅ・ふろー |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net sales of development business and other |
Japanese: | 開発事業等売上高 |
Hiragana: | かいはつじぎょうとううりあげだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net operating revenue |
Japanese: | 純営業収益 |
Hiragana: | じゅんえいぎょうしゅうえき |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net assets |
Japanese: | 純資産 |
Hiragana: | じゅんしさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net assets |
Japanese: | 純資産の部 |
Hiragana: | じゅんしさんのぶ |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in short-term investment securities |
Japanese: | 有価証券の純増減額(△は増加) |
Hiragana: | ゆうかしょうけんのじゅんぞうげんがく(△はぞうか) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net increase (decrease) in call money |
Japanese: | コールマネー等の純増減(△) |
Hiragana: | こーるまねーとうのじゅんぞうげん(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in time deposits |
Japanese: | 定期預金の純増減額(△は増加) |
Hiragana: | ていきよきんのじゅんぞうげんがく(△はぞうか) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Net decrease (increase) in call loans |
Japanese: | コールローン等の純増(△)減 |
Hiragana: | こーるろーんとうのじゅんぞう(△)げん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
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