Results of 'Provision'
Show Hiragana
English: | Provision |
Japanese: | 引当金 |
Hiragana: | ひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for dividends to policyholders |
Japanese: | 契約者配当準備金繰入額 |
Hiragana: | けいやくしゃはいとうじゅんびきんくりいれがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision (reversal) of reserve for dividends to policyholders |
Japanese: | 契約者配当準備金繰入額(△は戻入額) |
Hiragana: | けいやくしゃはいとうじゅんびきんくりいれがく(△はもどしいれがく) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for guarantee for loans |
Japanese: | ローン保証引当金 |
Hiragana: | ろーんほしょうひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations |
Japanese: | 原価変動調整積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | げんかへんどうちょうせいつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for environmental measures |
Japanese: | 環境対策引当金 |
Hiragana: | かんきょうたいさくひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for environmental measures |
Japanese: | 環境対策引当金繰入額 |
Hiragana: | かんきょうたいさくひきあてきんくりいれがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for research and development |
Japanese: | 研究開発積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | けんきゅうかいはつつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for loss on guarantees |
Japanese: | 債務保証損失引当金 |
Hiragana: | さいむほしょうそんしつひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts for subsidiaries and associates |
Japanese: | 関係会社貸倒引当金繰入額 |
Hiragana: | かんけいがいしゃかしだおれひきあてきんくりいれがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for loss on guarantees |
Japanese: | 債務保証損失引当金繰入額 |
Hiragana: | さいむほしょうそんしつひきあてきんくりいれがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates |
Japanese: | 関係会社事業損失引当金 |
Hiragana: | かんけいがいしゃじぎょうそんしつひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates |
Japanese: | 関係会社事業損失引当金繰入額 |
Hiragana: | かんけいがいしゃじぎょうそんしつひきあてきんくりいれがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for reimbursement of deposits |
Japanese: | 睡眠預金払戻損失引当金 |
Hiragana: | すいみんよきんはらいもどしそんしつひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for overseas investment loss |
Japanese: | 海外投資等損失準備金の積立 |
Hiragana: | かいがいとうしとうそんしつじゅんびきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for reduction entry of replaced property |
Japanese: | 買換資産圧縮積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | かいかえしさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates |
Japanese: | 関係会社整理損失引当金 |
Hiragana: | かんけいがいしゃせいりそんしつひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for reduction entry of real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産圧縮積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates |
Japanese: | 関係会社整理損失引当金繰入額 |
Hiragana: | かんけいがいしゃせいりそんしつひきあてきんくりいれがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for special disaster |
Japanese: | 特定災害防止準備金の積立 |
Hiragana: | とくていさいがいぼうしじゅんびきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for property replacement |
Japanese: | 買換資産積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | かいかえしさんつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for possible loss on support of specific borrowers |
Japanese: | 特定債務者支援引当金 |
Hiragana: | とくていさいむしゃしえんひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for reduction entry |
Japanese: | 圧縮記帳積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | あっしゅくきちょうつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction |
Japanese: | 原子力発電工事償却準備金引当 |
Hiragana: | げんしりょくはつでんこうじしょうきゃくじゅんびきんひきあて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision or reversal of reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction |
Japanese: | 原子力発電工事償却準備金引当又は取崩し |
Hiragana: | げんしりょくはつでんこうじしょうきゃくじゅんびきんひきあてまたはとりくずし |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for reduction entry |
Japanese: | 圧縮積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | あっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for decommissioning of nuclear power units |
Japanese: | 原子力発電施設解体引当金 |
Hiragana: | げんしりょくはつでんしせつかいたいひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for repairs |
Japanese: | 修繕準備引当金 |
Hiragana: | しゅうぜんじゅんびひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for ETC mileage service |
Japanese: | ETCマイレージサービス引当金 |
Hiragana: | いーてぃーしーまいれーじさーびすひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision for product warranties |
Japanese: | 製品保証引当金 |
Hiragana: | せいひんほしょうひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
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