Results of 'Real Estate'
Show Hiragana
English: | Real Estate |
Japanese: | リアル・エステート |
Hiragana: | りあるえすてーと |
Category: | Music Artists/Bands/Groups |
Detail: |
English: | Real estate for investment |
Japanese: | 投資不動産 |
Hiragana: | とうしふどうさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate for investment, net |
Japanese: | 投資不動産(純額) |
Hiragana: | とうしふどうさん(じゅんがく) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate sales |
Japanese: | 不動産売上高 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんうりあげだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate expenses |
Japanese: | 不動産関係費 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんかんけいひ |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate related expenses |
Japanese: | 不動産関連費 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんかんれんひ |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate for sale in process |
Japanese: | 仕掛販売用不動産 |
Hiragana: | しかかりはんばいようふどうさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate income |
Japanese: | 不動産収入 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんしゅうにゅう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate rent |
Japanese: | 不動産賃貸料 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんちんたいりょう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate for rent |
Japanese: | 賃貸不動産 |
Hiragana: | ちんたいふどうさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate for rent, net |
Japanese: | 賃貸不動産(純額) |
Hiragana: | ちんたいふどうさん(じゅんがく) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate for sale |
Japanese: | 販売用不動産 |
Hiragana: | はんばいようふどうさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Real estate for sale and development projects in progress |
Japanese: | たな卸不動産 |
Hiragana: | たなおろしふどうさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Rent of real estate for investment |
Japanese: | 投資不動産賃貸料 |
Hiragana: | とうしふどうさんちんたいりょう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Payments for investments in real estates |
Japanese: | 投資不動産の取得による支出 |
Hiragana: | とうしふどうさんのしゅとくによるししゅつ |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Proceeds from rental of real estate for investment |
Japanese: | 投資不動産の賃貸による収入 |
Hiragana: | とうしふどうさんのちんたいによるしゅうにゅう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Proceeds from sales of investments in real estates |
Japanese: | 投資不動産の売却による収入 |
Hiragana: | とうしふどうさんのばいきゃくによるしゅうにゅう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Loss on reduction of real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産圧縮損 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんあっしゅくそん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for reduction entry of real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産圧縮積立金 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Provision of reserve for reduction entry of real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産圧縮積立金の積立 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのつみたて |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reversal of reserve for reduction entry of real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産圧縮積立金の取崩 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきんのとりくずし |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Cost of sales - real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産売上原価 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんうりあげげんか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Gross profit (loss) - real estate sales |
Japanese: | 不動産売上総利益又は不動産売上総損失(△) |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんうりあげそうりえきまたはふどうさんうりあげそうそんしつ(△) |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Operating revenue - real estate management business |
Japanese: | 不動産管理事業営業収益 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんかんりじぎょうえいぎょうしゅうえき |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Operating expenses - real estate management business |
Japanese: | 不動産管理事業営業費用 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんかんりじぎょうえいぎょうひよう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Construction in progress - real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産事業 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんじぎょう |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Deposit received - real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産事業受入金 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんじぎょううけいれきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Cost of sales on real estate business |
Japanese: | 不動産事業売上原価 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんじぎょううりあげげんか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Cost of sales - real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産事業売上原価 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんじぎょううりあげげんか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Sales on real estate business |
Japanese: | 不動産事業売上高 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんじぎょううりあげだか |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
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