Results of 'Reserve'
Show Hiragana
English: | Reserve |
Japanese: | 積立金 |
Hiragana: | つみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for dividends to policyholders |
Japanese: | 契約者配当準備金 |
Hiragana: | けいやくしゃはいとうじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserved assets for depreciation |
Japanese: | 減価償却引当特定資産 |
Hiragana: | げんかしょうきゃくひきあてとくていしさん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations |
Japanese: | 原価変動調整積立金 |
Hiragana: | げんかへんどうちょうせいつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for research and development |
Japanese: | 研究開発積立金 |
Hiragana: | けんきゅうかいはつつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for interim dividends |
Japanese: | 中間配当積立金 |
Hiragana: | ちゅうかんはいとうつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for bond sinking fund |
Japanese: | 減債積立金 |
Hiragana: | げんさいつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for depreciation of specified gas pipeline construction |
Japanese: | 特定ガス導管工事償却準備金 |
Hiragana: | とくていがすどうかんこうじしょうきゃくじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for overseas investment loss |
Japanese: | 海外投資等損失準備金 |
Hiragana: | かいがいとうしとうそんしつじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for reduction entry of replaced property |
Japanese: | 買換資産圧縮積立金 |
Hiragana: | かいかえしさんあっしゅくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for reduction entry of real estate |
Japanese: | 不動産圧縮積立金 |
Hiragana: | ふどうさんあっしゅくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for special disaster |
Japanese: | 特定災害防止準備金 |
Hiragana: | とくていさいがいぼうしじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for property replacement |
Japanese: | 買換資産積立金 |
Hiragana: | かいかえしさんつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for reduction entry |
Japanese: | 圧縮記帳積立金 |
Hiragana: | あっしゅくきちょうつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for reduction entry |
Japanese: | 圧縮積立金 |
Hiragana: | あっしゅくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction |
Japanese: | 原子力発電工事償却準備引当金 |
Hiragana: | げんしりょくはつでんこうじしょうきゃくじゅんびひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for directors' retirement allowance |
Japanese: | 役員退職積立金 |
Hiragana: | やくいんたいしょくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for private insurance |
Japanese: | 自家保険積立金 |
Hiragana: | じかほけんつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for temporary difference adjustments |
Japanese: | 一時差異等調整積立金 |
Hiragana: | いちじさいとうちょうせいつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for principal |
Japanese: | 元本調整引当額 |
Hiragana: | がんぽんちょうせいひきあてがく |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for business expansion |
Japanese: | 事業拡張積立金 |
Hiragana: | じぎょうかくちょうつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve at incorporation |
Japanese: | 設立等積立金 |
Hiragana: | せつりつとうつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for software programs |
Japanese: | プログラム等準備金 |
Hiragana: | ぷろぐらむとうじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for special depreciation |
Japanese: | 特別償却準備金 |
Hiragana: | とくべつしょうきゃくじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for special depreciation |
Japanese: | 特別償却積立金 |
Hiragana: | とくべつしょうきゃくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for distribution |
Japanese: | 分配準備積立金 |
Hiragana: | ぶんぱいじゅんびつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserves under special laws |
Japanese: | 特別法上の準備金 |
Hiragana: | とくべつほうじょうのじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserves under special laws |
Japanese: | 特別法上の引当金 |
Hiragana: | とくべつほうじょうのひきあてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for price fluctuation |
Japanese: | 価格変動準備金 |
Hiragana: | かかくへんどうじゅんびきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
English: | Reserve for reduction entry of depreciable assets |
Japanese: | 償却資産圧縮積立金 |
Hiragana: | しょうきゃくしさんあっしゅくつみたてきん |
Category: | Accounting/Financial Statements |
Detail: | An account title under JGAAP. |
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