Niugnep, EN-JP Dictionary

Results of 'Salaries and allowances'

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English: Salaries and allowances
Japanese: 給料及び手当
Hiragana: きゅうりょうおよびてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Salaries and allowances
Japanese: 給料・手当
Hiragana: きゅうりょうてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Salaries and allowances
Japanese: 給料手当
Hiragana: きゅうりょうてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Salaries and allowances and welfare expenses
Japanese: 給料手当及び福利費
Hiragana: きゅうりょうてあておよびふくりひ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Employees' salaries and allowances
Japanese: 従業員給料及び手当
Hiragana: じゅうぎょういんきゅうりょうおよびてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Employees' salaries and allowances
Japanese: 従業員給料手当
Hiragana: じゅうぎょういんきゅうりょうてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Directors' compensations, salaries and allowances
Japanese: 役員報酬及び給料手当
Hiragana: やくいんほうしゅうおよびきゅうりょうてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Compensations, salaries and allowances
Japanese: 報酬及び給料手当
Hiragana: ほうしゅうおよびきゅうりょうてあて
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.
